HikCentral Professional

HikCentral Professional is a complete platform designed to manage Hikvision-branded security systems. It is available as software for installation on a workstation or as a dedicated server with the software installed. The software is based on a client-server architecture, where the software runs on a master server, while client stations access it through a computer network. Thanks to that the system is centralized: the administrator assigns the appropriate roles and gives permissions to client workstations. Any alarm events and notifications can be configured so as to reach only the specified client workstations. The settings are stored on the server and the client that connects does not have to go through the configuration process. The server supports the creation of a link between different elements. For example, activating a button on a video intercom panel can trigger a PTZ camera and send a notification to a specific client station.


HikCentral is paid software that requires the purchase of a license and project submission. To use the system, you need to purchase a base license, which is the basis for expansion with additional modules. Then, depending on your requirements, you can expand the system through additional licenses that increase functionality, the type of devices supported and their number. These can include licenses for CCTV camera system, ANPR channels, access control, video intercoms, video walls, IP speakers, etc.
License information, purchase and project submission
  • licenses available at Dipol store - link
  • all available licenses with descriptions that can be purchased - link
  • software download and technical specifications - link
  • how to report a project - link
The key functions:
  • Easy live view
  • Advanced playback functions
  • Advanced VCA functions
  • Intelligent video wall
  • Video linking with access control
  • Flexible complex alarms
  • Professional UVSS function (vehicle chassis scanning)
  • Integration with third-party devices through the OpenSDK protocol
User-friendly and efficient
  • remote configuration via web browser
  • automatic creation of logical areas based on device names
  • synchronization of camera names
  • synchronization of recording schedule from devices
  • automatic switching of streams when the specified number of cameras is exceeded
  • intuitive and extensive alarm management (tagging, forwarding to different operators)
  • efficient video playback (ability to view recordings and live video on a single window)
  • efficient video analysis (VCA search on recorded material to quickly search recordings for motion detection, line crossing detection, and zone entry)
  • easy access to the system from both a computer and a mobile device
Single platform that integrates various systems: video surveillance, access control, ANPR systems, radars, heat maps, people counting, POS systems, video walls and third-party systems. One of the key features included is creating links between different devices, e.g. an access control event can switch the video wall camera system.
Highly scalable and available
A single server supports up to 10,000 cameras. It is possible to unite multiple servers under the control of a single RSM management server. A system of 1,024 servers and 100,000 cameras can be built. Each server can be managed locally, with the central management server located in the company's headquarters.
HikCentral supports the open ONVIF standard. It is compatible with the most popular brands and IP cameras with ONVIF support. Proprietary protocols from leading camera manufacturers with frequent updates are also supported. HikCentral also supports the OpenSDK protocol to create custom functional add-ons for integration with third-party systems.
RSM Internet MobileClient WebClient Remote Client HikCentral Door Controler/ Card Reader Decoder Keypad Video Wall Cloudstorage server Hybrid SAN pStor AlarmStation Under-VehicleSurveillance Systems NVR Switch DVR Dome Dome Speed dome TVI BOX BOX
System architecture
Three ways to access the system
Control Client
For everyday, real time monitoring. This powerful and easy to use tool includes such features as live view and playback, tagging relevant video clips so that they can be searched, stored and viewed by trusted sites. Moreover, with the flexible alarm management interface, operators can easily identify and handle alarm events.
Key features:
  • Visualization of operations using an interactive map and video wall
  • Intuitive alarm management interface
  • Flexible evidence management
Web Client
The HikCentral provides affordable system management to the web client, supporting the addition of new devices and configuring camera recording schedules, user permissions, event and alarm rules. Live view and camera playback can also be accessed.
Hlavní funkce:
  • Intuitivní ovládání pro minimalizaci školení obsluhy VMS
  • Optimalizovaná podpora týmové práce s integrovanými funkcemi HikCentral
  • Přístup odkudkoli prostřednictvím oblíbených webových prohlížečů
Mobile Client
Mobilní dohled na jakémkoli místě a v jakémkoli čase - aplikace HikCentral Mobile je k dispozici v App Store pro iOS a v App Store Hikvision pro iOS a Android. Podporovaná připojení: Wi-Fi, 3G a 4G.
Hlavní funkce:
  • Dostupné kdykoli a kdekoli
  • připraveno na 24 hodin denně, 7 dní v týdnu
  • Rychlá reakce na události