Krátkou prezentaci, jak komprimovat F konektor na TRISET-113 kabelem a BNC konektoru na RG-59 kabelu.
2989,18 Kč
Cena s DPH | Sleva | Množství | platnost |
2989,18 Kč | 0 % | od 1 ks. |
TRISET 302 Fca typu Tri-shield, venkovní provedení v PE plášti určené pro výstavbu RTV/SAT instalací. Třída reakce na oheň podle CPR - Fca.
• Splňuje normu třídy A+
• Třída hořlavosti Fca
• Splňuje požadavky nařízení MTBiGM.
• Měděné jádro 1,02 mm.
• Vodič s trojitou stínicí konstrukcí.
• Vyrobeno v PE plášti
• Vnější kabel
• Nízký útlum
• Vynikající uložení
• Vysoká účinnost stínění - ve frekvenčním pásmu do 2 GHz splňuje požadavky třídy A++.
• min. 77% pokrytí opletením
• Třída hořlavosti Fca
• Splňuje požadavky nařízení MTBiGM.
• Měděné jádro 1,02 mm.
• Vodič s trojitou stínicí konstrukcí.
• Vyrobeno v PE plášti
• Vnější kabel
• Nízký útlum
• Vynikající uložení
• Vysoká účinnost stínění - ve frekvenčním pásmu do 2 GHz splňuje požadavky třídy A++.
• min. 77% pokrytí opletením
Podrobný popis
High-quality Tri-Shield TRISET 302 Fca E1008 coaxial cable designed for both individual and collective installations. It can be successfully used in DVB-T2 digital terrestrial television, FM/DAB radio and multiswitch systems (DVB-T2 terrestrial television and DVB-S/S2 satellite television). The cable is gelled (prevents moisture from spreading inside the cable) and made in a PE jacket (polyethylene coating), so it is intended for outdoor applications.
Inner conductor made of copper wire with a diameter of 1.02 mm and a triple screen (first glued Al/PET/Al foil + 77% braiding + second Al/PET foil).
Key features:
- compliant with the standard class A+
- flammability class Fca
- PE coating - external cable
- gelled cable - prevents moisture from spreading inside the cable
- 1.02 mm copper core
- tri-shield cable - triple screen
- low attenuation
- excellent fit
- high screening efficiency - in the frequency band up to 2 GHz meets the class A++ requirement
- min. 77% braid coverage
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Kabel je navinut na rotujícím bubnu uvnitř krabice. Odvíjení kabelu je rychlé a pohodlné.
The high-quality, triple-shielded coaxial cable of RG6 category has the inner conductor made of copper wire with a diameter of 1.02 mm, which ensures low loss and durability. The copper wire core does not corrode and the cable is not stiff.
The TRISET 302 Fca E1008 coaxial cable has 77% braid coverage, ensuring a high level of screening and protecting the useful signal from the influence of external interference.
In the case of parallel installation of many cables and long cable sections, it is recommended to use triple-screened cables. Effective screening over long distances eliminates the likelihood of so-called cable crosstalk. It consists of inducing unwanted signals in neighboring cables. This is visible on the screen by image interference - pixelation and freezing of scenes - as is the case with a weak signal or a low-quality signal.
The optimally selected flexibility of the jacket allows for easy installation of the cable both in cable ducts and in installation boxes or mounting boxes.
The cable is manufactured under strict quality standards, with tight tolerances.
In order to secure the minimum bend radius, flush mounted installations should be done with the use of protective conduits.
The Tri-Shield TRISET 302 Fca E1008 coaxial cable meets the EN50117 standard for shielding (class A+) in the 5 - 3000 MHz frequency band.
TRISET cables are compliant with Construction Products Regulation (CPR) and EN 50575 harmonized standard that specifies reaction to fire performance requirements, test and assessment methods for cables used for the supply of electricity and for control and communication purposes, which are intended for use in construction works and subject to performance requirements on reaction to fire.
The 75 Ohm TRISET 302 Fca E1008 coaxial cable has been tested by the notified body TÜV Rheinland with the number 1008 and has been awarded class Fca reaction to fire.
For more on cable fire resistance classes, read The CPR Directive - the new cable order
According to the EN50117 standard, coaxial cables are divided into classes: C, B, A, A+, A++, depending on the screening effectiveness.
Classes of screening efficiency
Class | 5-30 MHz [mΩ/m] | 30-1000 MHz [dB] | 1-2 GHz [dB] | 2-3 GHz [dB] |
C | 50 | 75 | 65 | 55 |
B | 15 | 75 | 65 | 55 |
A | 5 | 85 | 75 | 65 |
A+ | 2,5 | 95 | 85 | 75 |
A++ | 0,9 | 105 | 95 | 85 |
Measurement results of the most important technical parameters.

Coupling impedance in the frequency range of 5-30 MHz
and TRISET 302 Fca cable screening in the frequency range of 30-3000 MHz
In the frequency band up to 2 GHz it meets the class A++ requirement
Insertion loss in the 5-3000 MHz range
Cable reflection loss in the frequency range 5-3000 MHz.

Smith chart showing the wave impedance of the cable.
Measurements taken at both ends of a 100 m section of cable. Deviations from the nominal value of 75Ω
not exceeding 1% guarantee perfect impedance matching in the entire transmission path.

The speed of signal propagation in a cable in the frequency range 5-1000 MHz.
Typ zboží | Coaxial cable | ||
type | |||
Značka | TRISET | ||
Délka kabelu | m | 250 | |
Aplikace | Externí | ||
Třída kabelů | RG-6 | ||
Compliance with relevant national legislation | Ano | ||
CPR class | FCA | ||
Kabel naplněný gelem | Ano | ||
Fyzikální vlastnosti | |||
Impedance | Ω | 75 | |
Screening efficiency class | A+ | ||
Přenosová impedance TI | mΩ/m | ||
Žila | Material | ||
Žila | Průměr | mm | 1,02 |
Dielektrikum | pěnění | Physical | |
Dielektrikum | Průměr | mm | 4,6 |
Displej | |||
Počet vrstev | 3 | ||
První folie | přilepené k dielektriku | Ano | |
První folie | Material | Al/PET/Al | |
Opletení | Material | ||
Opletení | průměr drátu | mm | 0,12 |
počet drátů | pcs. | 16 × 8 | |
úhel vinutí | stupeň | 26,69 | |
pokrytí | 77 | ||
Druhá fólie | Material | Al/PET | |
plášť | Material | PE | |
plášť | Průměr | mm | 7,0 |
Barva | |||
Elektrické vlastnosti | |||
Odolnost při 20°C | Ω/km | 32.12 (shield) 21.91 (conductor) | |
capacity | pF/m | 52,5 | |
Mechanické vlastnosti | |||
Provozní teplota | °C | -30...+70 | |
Teplota pokládky | °C | -10...+40 |
Praktická realizace domovní krabice.