Profesionální anténní sada s H/V polarizací Dipol 28/5-12/21-48 DVB-T/T2 se zesilovačem LNA-101

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Antenna suitable for digital DVB-T/T2 signal reception.
The professional antenna set with H/V polarization Dipol 28/5-12/21-48 DVB-T/T2 A2851 is designed to receive DVB-T/T2 digital terrestrial television in VHF band (174-230 MHz) and UHF band (470-694 MHz). Universal design of the antenna enables the user to freely change polarization of reception V/H for both, the VHF and UHF bands.
The antenna is distinguished by high gain, which allows to receive signals from distant TV transmitters. Professional antenna set A2851 has a built-in diplexer in the VHF antenna box, and the LNA-101 B4007 amplifier in the UHF antenna box. The amplifier used in the A2850 antenna works only in the UHF band. The antenna is pre-assembled. The assembly consists in tightening several screws and takes a few minutes. The main components of the antenna are made of aluminum, steel structural elements are galvanized.
Stíněný anténní předzesilovač LNA-101 15dB
The set includes the B4007 amplifier and 12 V/100 mA power supply
For reception of broadcasts from distant and/or low-power transmitters we recommend to employ Terra HS-013 R82010 or Alcad CA-215 R90461 amplifier with independent gain control in VHF and UHF bands.
Key features:
  • the antenna receives DVB-T/T2 television signals from one direction
    • in the VHF band (channels 5 - 12) in horizontal or vertical polarization
    • in the UHF band (channels 21-48) in horizontal or vertical polarization
  • built-in VHF/UHF diplexer
  • LNA-101 B4007 amplifier in UHF band (powered by standard 12V or 5V, e.g. from DVB-T/T2 receiver).
  • pre-assembled
  • made of aluminum
  • all directors and reflectors are made of aluminum tube
  • UHF band directors and reflectors made of open aluminum section
  • modern design - high gain with compact dimensions
  • manufactured in Poland
  • cardboard box
Product Dipol 28/5-12/21-60 tube
Code A2851
Gain [dBi]
Channels 5-12
Radiation ratio forward/reverse [dB] >13.5
Polarization H (V rotated by 90°)
Standing wave ratio 1.3-1.97
Gain [dBi]   
Channels 21-48
Radiation ratio forward/reverse [dB] 12-26
Polarization  H (V rotated 90°)  
Standing wave ratio 1.1 – 3
Number of elements 28
Impedance [Ohm] 75
Packaging cardboard box 
Weight [kg] 1.8 
Dimensions [mm]  1100x900x400
Max. mast diameter [mm] 55 


Typ antény TV DVB-T/T2
Výrobce DIPOL
Typ antény RTV UHF+VHF "combo"
General data
Počet prvků pcs. 28
Rozměry mm 1100 × 900 × 400
Weight kg 1,8
Balení type Karton
Technické specifikace
Impedance Ω 300
Balun No
Operating band VHF+UHF
Frequency range MHz 174 – 230, 470 – 694
5 – 12
21 – 48
Zisk max. dBi 7,5
Poměr poloměru přední a zadní části dB > 13.5
Polarizace VHF H/V
Poměr stojatých vln 1.3 – 1.97
Zisk max. dBi 9
Poměr poloměru přední a zadní části dB 12 – 26
Polarization H
Poměr stojatých vln 1.1 – 3
Built-in amplifier Ano
Zesílená šířka pásma UHF
Amplifier type LNA-101
Input impedance Ω 300
input impedance Ω 75
Gain dB 12...15 (channels 21 – 37), 15...13 (channels 38 – 60)
Power supply voltage V 12
Power supply current mA 33