Satelitní anténa DIPOL DPL-120 [světle šedá, RAL7035]

Kód zboží: A9682
3794,56 Kč
Cena s DPH Sleva Množství platnost
3794,56 Kč 0 % od 1 ks.
od 0,00 Kč
Satelitní anténa DPL-120 je profesionální satelitní anténa určená pro výstavbu komunitních anténních systémů v budovách pro více rodin.
• Antenna určená pro kolektivní anténní instalace
• Rozměr: 120 cm (115x125 cm)
• Zachycení druhého LNB v ceně.
• Úhel polovičního výkonu: 1,4 stupně při frekvenci 12,75 GHz
• 6bodové uchycení stříšky na mezipatro
• Splňuje normu odolnosti proti větru IEC1114-2
• Antenna byla testována v solné lázni podle normy NBR 8094.
• Konvertor je namontován na držáku se dvěma dalšími držáky.


Záruka - 3 roky.

Podrobný popis

The DPL-120 satellite dish is a professional steel satellite antenna dedicated for SMATV systems in multi-family buildings and everywhere where high level and good quality of signal at the input of the system is required. The design of the dish meets all the requirements of Polish regulations on equipment for the construction of telecommunications systems in multi-family building, in particular of the regulation MTBiGM of 2012
A dedicated bracket for the second LNB to receive signals from two satellite positions is included.
The DPL-120 is mounted to an intermediate dish with 6 screws. It is then mounted on the mast with a bracket made of 3.5 mm thick steel sheet. This guarantees the stability of the shape of the dish and secure attachment even in winds of up to 144 km/h. The antenna maintains integrity even in winds of 216 km/h.
The antenna is made of 0.8 mm thick galvanized steel, protected by 7-15 µm thick zinc coating and powder coated (paint thickness 60 µm). The antenna has a 3-point support of the LNB carrier, which makes it possible to achieve an extremely stable reception system. This design prevents vibration of the LNBs in strong winds ensuring stable signal reception.
Key features
  • anténa určená pro komunitní anténní instalace,
  • velikost: 120 cm (115x125 cm),
  • +++ druhý držák LNB v ceně,
  • zisk max. 42,1 dBi na frekvenci 12,75 GHz,
  • úhel polovičního výkonu: 1,4 stupně při frekvenci 12,75 GHz,
  • 6bodové uchycení stříšky na mezipatro,
  • splňuje požadavky normy IEC1114-2 na odolnost proti větru,
  • Anténa byla testována v solné lázni podle normy NBR 8094,
  • stříška z 0,8 mm pozinkovaného ocelového plechu (7...15 µm), práškově lakovaného (60 µm),
  • montáž ocelového stožáru z ocelového plechu o tloušťce 3,5 mm,
  • anténa musí být upevněna na ocelovém stožáru o průměru 50...60 mm,
  • převodník je namontován na držáku se dvěma dalšími držáky.
Wind resistance test (IEC 1114-2)
The dish has been tested with one of the European institutes for resistance to wind and harsh environmental factors. All tests were performed in accordance with IEC 1114-2. The antenna was tested for 3 wind speeds:
  • allowable wind speed (72 km/h = 20m/s) - at this wind speed, the receiving characteristics of the antenna (strength and quality) cannot be degraded without changing its direction. The typical value of antenna gain reduction is 1 dB.
  • maximum wind speed (144 km/h = 40 m/s) - at this wind speed, no permanent degradation of the antenna under test can occur. It may become necessary to readjust the antenna to restore its receiving characteristics (strength, quality).
  • destructive wind force (216 km/h = 60m/s) - at this wind speed, permanent degradation of the receiving characteristics of the antenna under test may occur. For safety reasons, no part of the antenna can be mechanically destroyed (detached).
Salt resistance test (NBR 8094)
The antenna's resistance to corrosion of steel components has been tested in accordance with NBR 8094 (salt spray corrosion test of coated and uncoated metallic materials). According to it, the dish and the supporting elements were subjected to salt mist with a concentration of 5% in a special chamber capable of simulating precipitation. The tests lasted respectively: 500 h for the dish and mounting elements and 750 h for connecting elements (bolts, nuts). The tests showed no signs of corrosion on any of the components.
Verification of zinc coating thickness (NBR 7937)
The DPL-120 dish is galvanized to a thickness of 8.5 μm. This thickness has been verified with test methods described in NBR 7937.
You can read more about the standards met by the DPL-120 satellite dish, how the tests are conducted and the results obtained in the publication Strength and corrosion testing of satellite dishes


Název DPL-120
Typ zboží Satellite dish
type Offset
Offset ° 23
Velikost cm 120
Barva light grey
Výrobce DIPOL
Barevné kódování RAL 7035
Reflector Material Galvanized steel
thickness mm 0,8
Rozměry mm
Tloušťka zinkového povlaku μm 7 ~ 15
Malování technologie powder coating
tloušťka nátěru μm 60
Účinnost >70
Gain for 11.7 GHz dBi 41,6
for 12.7 GHz dBi 42,1
Focal length mm 736
Elevation angle ° 16...77
Rozsah nastavení azimutu ° 360
f/D ratio - 0,64
LNB mounting diameter mm 40
Zkouška odolnosti proti soli zrcadlo a zadní část antény H 500
spojovací prvky H 750
Přípustná síla větru km/h 72 (according to IEC1114-2)
Maximální síla větru km/h 144 (according to IEC1114-2)
Ničivá síla větru km/h 216 (according to IEC1114-2)
Max. mast diameter mm 60
Rozměry mm
Weight kg 16,6